If you need immediate mental health help, call 988. For resources, go to our sister site www.we-endure.org

Help your Community today!

All donations go directly to our sister company and owner, WeEndure. Proceeds are used to train staff & volunteers, acquire supplies & resources, and goes back to the community.

person showing both hands with make a change note and coins
person showing both hands with make a change note and coins

Giving money not your thing?

That's completely okay! As an outdoor and adventure company, we love "hand-me-downs" and recycling unused things. Take a look at the list of in-kind donations we accept.

Examples of in-kind donations

Hiking gear

boots, hiking poles, backpacks, waterbottles, hats, etc.

flat ray photography of book, pencil, camera, and with lens
flat ray photography of book, pencil, camera, and with lens
Fishing equipment

old (but functional) fishing rods, lures/bait, tackle boxes, line, etc.

shoes, helmets, harnesses, rope, safety equipment, etc

Rock climbing gear

Watersports equipment

snorkel/goggle kits, life vests, water shoes, kayaks/fishing boats, etc

Contact WeEndure Adventure Team

Reach out for more information about volunteering opportunities and how you can support our events at WeEndure Adventure. We're excited to hear from you!





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